MBA, EMBA, and Masters Application Help
Our coaches have helped students create successful applications (essays, CV, Letters of recommenation, and interviews) for INSEAD, Harvard, Columbia, HEC, and most of the other top schools in the world. See what you would be getting by looking at some of our successful INSEAD MBA essays or a statement of purpose that won our student a spot at LSE's master in managment. Also, if you haven't begun writing your essays yet, check out our video on how to get started on the essays.
Dramatically increase your chances of getting in
Did you know that Stanford and other top MBA and Masters programs regularly turn down students that score 800 on the GMAT? Indeed, the GMAT and the GRE mostly serve as a screening process. Once you have a score close to the average of your target school, it's up to your essays, letters of recommendation, and CV to get you into the school. Making these compenents shine their brightest is what we'll help you do.
Experienced Coaches
With Vinicia Prep, you'll be guided through the essays and interviews by a coach with 10 years of admissions experience. Our coach has helped has not only helped students create their applications, but he's also worked with schools on their admissions board, giving him insight into exactly what will help your application and what will hinder it.
Save time
Going through the entire process with an experienced guide will allow you to complete your application more efficiently because your coach will be able to help you make the right decisions at the right time for the whole application.
Since we've helped students get into many of the world's best schools, there is a good chance we can put you in contact with a current student or alumna from the school you would like to go to.
Save Money
Doing an MBA, EMBA or a Masters program is expensive. Creating a stellar your application will help you not only get into your target schools but can save you tens of thousands of dollars/euros by helping you get a scholarship.
MBA, EMBA, and Masters Applications Essays
The Process
- First, we start off by helping you choose your schools.
- Secondly, we'll go through your examples and ideas for the essays. This step has become particularly critical this year as many top schools are only asking one essay question (whereas in the past the usually asked four or five), but are still expecting responses to several points (they want to know about your maturity, intelligence/ability, leadership, and teamwork).
- Next, you'll write your rough draft, and then we'll go over it looking for "macro" changes that need to be made. This step generally only takes a couple hours for all of the essays and can save you from making some big mistakes. After we've edited your essays we'll go through them together, piece by piece, to make sure that you're on the right track.
- After all of the macro revisions are taken care of we'll go over the details by sending your essays to a professional writer from the US making your essays really shine.
For many schools, only half of the students are accepted after the interview. Our job is to make sure that you are part of that half. We do this by prepping you with past questions that were used by the school that you're applying to, and sometimes we even manage to use some of the exact questions that are asked in the current year for your particular school.
The Process
- We start by sending you questions that you should use to prepare.
- When you are done with your initial preparation, we'll do the first interview. Afterward we'll give you feedback on how to improve and prepare for the second interview.
- Finally, we'll do the second interview approximately a week later in which we'll go through other possible questions that could be asked. Again,once the interview is finished (that lasts approximately an hour) we'll go through your strengths and weaknesses and give you some more homework to do before your actual interview.
Check out some tips on how to prepare your in person MBA or EMBA interviews here and your video essays/interview here.

The CV you need for your school application is different from the CV you would use for a job application. Employers generally want to know what you can do, whereas schools want to know what you have done. That is, in your CV for your application to schools, you need to focus on what you have accomplished and why you are special rather than certain skills that you may have. For example, a small mistake thay many students make is writing their "computer skills" such as Microsoft word. Writing this doesn't help your application and uses up valuable space on your CV that could be used to create strong, detailed examples of your achievements. Over the last ten years that we've been helping students with their CVs, 99% of students that we have seen needed to improve their CV in some way. If you want to see how a good CV is written, you can find one that we worked on with a previous student here.

Letters of Recommendation
The Letters of Recommendation are often the last piece to the written part of the application puzzle. Even if you have great recommenders, you may not end up with great recommendations. If your recommendations letters don't go well with the rest of your application, mention flaws that would be deal breakers, or overlook key attributes that need to be discussed to fill in points that are missing elsewhere in the application you may get rejected despite having a solid application elsewhere. With our guidance, we'll help make sure that your recomendation letters cover key points that need to be discussed, and help give your application the last push that it needs. For a little free guidance on how to improve your recommendations for MBA and EMBA programs, you can check out an article we wrote here.